What’s your cum face?

This may be the most erotic thing you have ever seen, yet the only nudity it contains is from the neck up. That’s where people are truly naked. The videos were made in private by the contributor (and sometimes their partner). Make your ears blush by putting on your headphones and turning the sound to eleven.

I am referring to http://beautifulagony.com.

There are five free samples you can ogle at before signing up for a few dollars. New videos are posted five times a week. And they all have sound. In addition, their ‘Overkill’ videos section has interesting snippets, interviews and outtakes. And then there is ‘Confessions’, a place where you can watch some guys and girls tell their dirty secrets.

Their shopping section has interestingly styled dildos, key chains and tees to complete the picture of bliss.

A beautiful agony indeed.