Impossible is indeed nothing and Phelps leads the way!

With eight golds, Michael Phelps will go down in world history as the greatest Olympian we’ve ever had so far. Crossing Mark Spitz’s record of 7 golds by an individual, Phelps is truly the poster boy of the New Age era. Not because he’s good at sports, but because he’s sending out one important message that will always be cherished and valued for all time to come: thinking positive and making it to the top through sheer imagination.

Take his winning line after he won his eighth gold: “The biggest thing is nothing is impossible. With so many people saying it couldn’t be done, all it takes is an imagination.” These are not just mere words. These are words, which imbibed by one and all, can fire our imagination and take us to the pinnacle of creation.

With Phelps, has arrived a whole lot of positivity. And it is this positive thinking that will take us to the next course of mankind: surviving the future and making the most of it. Ofcourse, the future is what we make of it.

His victory reminds me of Betty Shine’s book Mind Magic. I believe in everything she says about what the mind can do. If there is anything limiting our abilities, it is no one but us. We believe that we cannot do. Now turn it around its head and start believing that you CAN do it. And just see how the universe will do whatever it takes to make that happen. The greatest and the most shining example here is of Phelps. He has gone where no Olympian has gone before. Doing the impossible and making it look so easy. 

Thank you, Phelps.

May the power of positive thinking be with you and spawn many more Phelps in the near and distant future. When this truly takes a fine shape, the power of the mind will take over the world. Those who have it will rule, and those who don’t will serve.

So who are you? Decide now.

But first, think positive.