11 ways to beat stress

Bangalore-based stress consultant Dr Malathi, formerly with Manipal Hospital, has some simple techniques to cope with stress-related obesity:

1. Learn the right breathing techniques: Breathing exercises are very effective for stress and they help you to lose weight and increase concentration; reduces depression and increases a sense of feel-good.

2. Self hypnosis: When you keep suggesting to your brain that all’s well and there’s no need to get stressed over trivial things, it becomes an effective tool. However, in case of obesity its importance becomes more pronounced. It helps you to overcome depression, it helps you to eat less and makes you more determined about your weight control.

3. Think positive: Obese people are in a continuous state of stress and tension. That stress and tension generates many irrational ideas regarding appearance, personal and social life and illnesses that come along with obesity. These irrational ideas could have a damaging impact mentally, leading to more stress. Refuting irrational ideas is the technique that helps you to keep those unwanted ideas at bay. This method prevents horrible thoughts and makes you feel better.

4. Keep physically fit: Exercise is the most appropriate and lasting method for weight loss. It stimulates your body’s metabolism, the primary factor responsible for weight loss. People who exercise regularly often display emotional stability and are more resistant to depression and anxiety. Weight training would be a very good form of exercise for this purpose. There seems to be a direct link between a person’s physical fitness and their ability to adapt to business pressures, social stress and emotional overloads.

5. Laugh. It may sound silly, but laughter not only supplies oxygen to your body, it creates movement.

6. Sing: The benefits of singing are numerous, especially if you learn to sing from your diaphragm.

6. Dance: There is nothing more stress relieving. It doesn’t matter what style you choose, just move and breathe and feel the rhythm of the music.

7. Pamper yourself: Take a bubble bath, a steam shower or soak in a hot tub filled with flower petals.

8. Sleep: Get to bed by 9pm. Melatonin levels start to rise around 9.30pm. So pay attention to how much light you are exposed to in a 24-hour period. At least nine hours of sleep are required by your body to reset your biological clock and improve your insulin sensitivity.

9. Inhale: Inhaling a fragrance can stir pleasing memories which cause endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, to be released. Just a few whiffs of lavender oil can lull you to sleep.

10. Pray: Prayer-walking, also known as ‘walking meditation’ provides an easy way to be active and relieve stress. It can be a meandering saunter down a garden path or a brisk march around a track. The point is to walk with prayerful intentions realising that your journey is an internal one.

11. Post inspirational quotes around your work area and be thankful for being alive. There’s more to life than you’ll ever realise and every day brings new chances to share.