Aura photography

First things first. An aura is the electromagnetic energy field surrounding us. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects our state of mind, body and inner being. And this shows up in different colours, each associated with various chakras or energy centers in our body.

Again, our aura colours are determined by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states of being. Which also means, the colours of our aura reflect our energy, vibrancy, and health on many levels.

Here is where Paul Mitchell comes in. He will not only photograph your aura but also tell you what each of the colour means and what you should do to set it right.

But before that, here is some dope on what each of the aura colours mean…

DEEP-RED Physical, hardworking, action-oriented, power, survival, realistic, physically active, vital, grounded, strength, stamina, explorer.

RED Excitement, physical, energetic, competitive, leader, winner, achiever, courageous, strong will power, sexual, entrepreneur, promoter.

ORANGE Pleasure-oriented, enjoys life and challenges, thrill-seeker, positive, action-oriented, excitement, productive, physical and creative expression, adventurer, business-minded.

YELLOW BROWN Analytical, intellectual, detail-oriented, logical, structured, likes security, scientific, honest, perfectionist, precise in thoughts and actions.

YELLOW Playful, sunny, creative, fun, learning, light, movement, entertainer, humorous, radiates optimism, warmth, charming, generous, easy going.

GREEN Social, good-natured, content, harmony, a teacher, loves to communicate and share with others, most social type, perfect host or hostess.

DEEP-GREEN Quick-minded, goal-oriented, wealth, material, communicative, luxury, leader, responsibility, organizer, driving force, ambitious, planner.

BLUE Caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, loyal, helper, compassionate, peaceful, desire to be of service and to help and support others, nurturing.

INDIGO Clarity, calm, deep inner feelings, love, seeker, introverted, inner knowing, authenticity, high sense of inner values, artistic.

VIOLET Intuitive, artistic, idealistic, magical, sensual, theorist, futuristic, visionary, charismatic, non-conformist, possibilities, innovative inventors.

LAVENDER Imagination, mystical, daydreamer, fantasy, artistic, soft, creative, fragile, sensitive, often appear spacey, unrealistic, ethereal.

WHITE Transcendent, transformational, spiritual, healing, quiet, enlightened, sensitive, live in higher dimensions, strong spiritual connection.