Aura cleansing is the way to go

Aura cleansing is important for our wellbeing. Just like ochre-ing (mentioned in my earlier post), there are many more easier ways of cleansing our auras… here are some… Do these atleast once every other day, and you should be fit to tackle anything in this world.

1. Sea breeze: Just hitting the beach side and partaking of the sea breeze can be a great boost to your aura. The salt attached to the breeze, cleanses all the foreign bodies embedded in your aura and free you up.

2. Swimming: Nothing like diving into the sea and spraying your body with salt and water. This will take away all the aura blemishes and leave you cleansed.

3. Gardening: Plough the field, pet your plants, hug trees, plant new saplings, water them, and spend some time with them. This will not only cleanse your aura but also energise you like no other.

Best of luck!