3G generation

3G generation 1

My 5-month old daughter belongs to the 3G era. And her initiation has already begun.

Staying at her grand parents home 320 kms from Bangalore where I stay, she is on a video call every other day. And she’s quite familiar with the iPod Touch screen. In fact, she stares at any bright thing. So point this to her, and she’s glaring right into your living room hundreds of kilometres away.

That is not all… Every time I call my wife on her cell, my baby cries if her music session has been interrupted. She regularly listens to nursery rhymes and lullabies in Hindi and English. But when the phone rings, the music stops.

Similarly, she is now warming up to the iPod Touch because she loves the Baby Soother app. It shows a frolicking penguin with four calming tracks playing in the background.

3G generation indeed.