Gmail full? There’s a solution

Gmail full? There's a solution 1

If your gmail inbox is full or close to exceeding it’s free 7.5GB storage, there’s help.

You can either upgrade to 20GB for as little as $5 or better still, save on that as well with

Yes, this is the best service i stumbled upon just the other day. I already have an expanded Gmail storage. But i did try out this nifty software. And it works beautifully. Within minutes, it organised my inbox of 9GB into different sized folders: Top 20 big emails, emails over 2mb, and so on.

I deleted many of the emails with huge photo attachments by working backwards – the oldest to the newest. Within no time, my inbox size was down to 5GB. That’s cutting flab by 40%.

Thank you, findbigmail.

Posted by Wordmobi