Ghosts, spirits and a quickened heart beat

Ghosts, spirits and a quickened heart beat 1

A smoker who had just quit started experiencing heightened heart beat rate during the early mornings. When he went to an energy healer, he was diagnosed with a multiple set of problems. He had some past life issue. He was suffering from black magic. And he was driven to greed.

The healing went on for two sessions, each lasting an hour. Alongwith the first healing, he was asked to keep salt water bowls in his bedroom in the four corners. He felt no quickening of his pulse that night. However, it returned to haunt him a few days later. Even the second session didn’t work.

The healer then decided to visit his house and found that trees were cut to make place for the house he had constructed. And a couple of trees that were burned to death were seeking revenge. Though, they were sent to light, the person’s problems returned to haunt him a couple of months later.

He started smoking and he felt the problem vanishing.

But even this lasted a month.

Today, he is back to square one.

Any solutions?